WADT'22 - 26th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques 2022
Aveiro, 28 - 30 June 2022
Contributing talks
- Jan A Bergstra and John Tucker: Fracterm Calculus with a Sign Function -- (Slides)
- Paulo Almeida, Diego Napp and Eunice Mateiro: Optimal quantum convolutional codes (Slides)
- Víctor Aranda: Applications of Partial Boolean Algebras to Type Theory
- Harry Bryant and Markus Roggenbach: Ladderlogic Verification for Railway Interlockings with the IC3 Algorithm
- Victor Cai, Sunitha Lakshmanappa, Andy Lawrence, Markus Roggenbach and Monika Seisenberger: Counterexample Visualisation for Constraint Checking in the Railway Domain (Slides)
- Tonicha Crook, Jay Morgan, Arno Pauly and Markus Roggenbach: A Computability Perspective on (Verified) Machine Learning
- Ana Cruz and Luís Soares Barbosa: A logic for paraconsistent transition systems, with applications to quantum computing
- Gilberto Cunha: Quantum Bayesian POMDP Online Planning
- Andrea D'Urbano, Michael Oliveira and Luis Soares Barbosa: Quantum enhanced Secure Multiparty computation of triplewise (Slides)
- Daniel Figueiredo and Diana Costa: Equational logic over switch graph models (Slides)
- Alfredo Freire: Partial boolean valued model and exact forcing
- Fabio Gadducci and Davide Trotta: A Presheaf Semantics for Quantified Temporal Logics
- Michal Gajda: Algebraic modeling of performance of distributed systems
- Michal Gajda: All you need is monoid - monoidal aggregators as Turing-complete computational model
- Leandro Gomes: Towards a (multi)trace semantics for “multi-flow” computations
- Sergey Goncharov: Shades of Iteration: from Elgot to Kleene (Slides)
- Manisha Jain: Introducing fuzziness in quantum automata (Slides)
- Elias Keis, Carlos Gustavo Lopez Pombo, Agustín Eloy Martinez Suñé and Alexander Knapp: Automated QoS-Aware Service Selection Based on Soft Constraints (Slides)
- Benjamin Lion, Farhad Arbab and Carolyn Talcott: Runtime Composition Of Systems of Interacting Cyber-Physical Components (Slides)
- Sérgio Marcelino and Carlos Caleiro: PNmatrices at Work (Slides)
- Ana Neri: Formal Methods for Quantum Fault-Tolerant Programs (Slides)
- Pedro Nora: Quantitative Hennessy-Milner Theorems
- Conor Reynolds, Marie Farrell, Rosemary Monahan, James F. Power and Michael Fisher: Heterogeneous Specification Using the Institutions for Event-B and Temporal Logic
- Eugénio Rocha and Pedro Nunes: A generalization of dynamic fault trees: concepts and an industrial application (Slides)
- Alejandro Sanchez and Luís Soares Barbosa: A hybrid mu-calculus for monoidal categories (Slides)
- Jaime Santos and Daniel Figueiredo: idDL2DL: translating interval specifications to DL (Slides)
- Ionut Tutu: SpeX: a rewriting-based formal-specification environment (Slides)
- Henrik Wachowitz, Alexander Knapp and Markus Roggenbach: Analyzing Security Protocols over Unbounded Domains (Slides)
- Uwe Wolter and Tam Thanh Truong: Algebras and Graph Algebras (Slides)
Program of WADT'22
Timetable of WADT'22
Previous Editions
Steering Committee
Program Committee
- Erika Abraham (RWTH Aachen, NL)
- Luís S. Barbosa (U.Minho, PT)
- Rui S. Barbosa (INL, PT) [Track Chair]
- Carlos Caleiro (U. Lisboa, PT)
- Andrea Corradini (U Pisa, IT)
- José Luiz Fiadeiro (U. Dundee, UK)
- Ichiro Hasuo (NII, JP)
- Rolf Hennicker, (LMU, Munchen, DE)
- Marieke Huisman (U. Twente, NL)
- Martti Karvonen (U. Ottawa, CA)
- Aleks Kissinger (U. Oxford, UK)
- Alexander Knapp (U. Augsburg, DE)
- Alexandre Madeira (U. Aveiro, PT)[Co-chair]
- Manuel A. Martins (U. Aveiro, PT)[Co-chair]
- Narciso Marti-Oliet (U. Complutense, SP)
- Dominique Mery (LORIA, FR)
- Till Mossakowski (U. Magdeburg, DE)
- Renato Neves (U. Minho, PT) [Track Chair]
- Peter Ölveczky (U. Oslo, NR)
- Fernando Orejas (U. Polit\`ecnica Catalunya, SP)
- Markus Roggenbach (Swansea University, UK)
- Georg Struth (U. Sheffield, UK)
- Ionut Tutu (Simion Stoilow Inst. of Math, RO)
- Benoît Valiron (Univ. Paris Saclay, FR)
- Vladimir Zamdzhiev (Inria, FR)
Ibex - Quantitative methods for cyber-physical programming